Coconut waterfall is a waterfall whose height as high as coconut trees and that is why this waterfall is named after the waterfall Coconut. This waterfall flows in streams Kalicawang. With a cruising altitude and coupled with very clear water and green around the waterfall that adds to the beauty of the waterfall. Although the dry season, the water is still heavy. If the rainy season, the water became plentiful and large splashes resulting dew around the waterfall and not infrequently formed rainbows around the waterfall. Under the waterfall there is also a pool that can be enjoyed by tourists for swimming and water play. Conditions rocks in the river is not too dense and large, so it is quite safe if visitors make a pool in the river basin.
At the waterfall cliff there is a hole cavernous enough to be occupied as visitors make the game be imprisoned under the waterfall.In terms of potential, Curug Coconut potential to become tourist attraction by presenting a stunning natural beauty and preservation of the surrounding nature that is still awake. But still very unfortunate circumstances that coconut waterfall still not managed or explored further and the lack of promotion to the area outside the village so that the waterfall is still not known by the public. Additionally still hampered by impassable terrain quite difficult to get there, but could still be reached by using a motorcycle, and motorcycle parked somewhere / front houses. After that, visitors walk down a ravine with a reasonably safe way. Before walking to the tourist site, last dipemberhentian there is a house that can be used as a bike and car park, snack stalls and public restrooms. Places to levy could also be.Suggestions for the location of this tour is the path to the location needs to be improved to support the comfort and security of tourists, especially the walkways need to be given a handle and enlarged steep at points to the location, as well as giving the stones to place footing when going up and down. Expected accessibility and accommodation could be improved so as to make comfortable the visitors apart in terms of promotion were enhanced.
Travel location in Banyumas in Central Java coconut waterfall is located in the village banjarpanepen, sumpiuh subdistrict, Banyumas regency, Central Java province.


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