Sawangan Falls is a waterfall that has a height of approximately 50 meters and is located in the Karst region South Gombong. This waterfall dikarekana unique location on the south coast which is just 150 from the beach. Besides the source water comes from underground rivers in Goa Surupan. If you see the top of this waterfall is outside the mouth of a cave. This waterfall has water discharge stable, while in the dry season the water discharge will be smaller but it will not dry. Underneath there is a pool but there are too wide and more dominated by limestone boulders and fragments and limestone. The waterfall is also often called the Niagara Rainbow because often bring a rainbow under the waterfall when the sun shone. This waterfall is located in the river flow Jemenar that disgorge at Hill Gadung and crossed several hamlets to finally go through Ponor and into underground streams.
Goa Siwowo a cave in the region were first seen just to the Niagara Sawangan. This cave was used as activity rapelling from the top to the bottom of the cave. It poses unique ornaments cave, but many were already inactive. Most yellowish white. There are a number of springs between stalactites and the water can be drinking. At the end of the cave appeared a hole fenced. That said, this cave is very long and penetrating to Goa or Goa Surupan Sawangan but did not careless people can continue without caving equipment, Sawangan Goa is one of the caves in the region besides Goa Siwowo. Goa Sawangan is a blend of two caves namely Goa and Goa Surupan Sawangan. The second cave is united with two different cave mouth. Goa Sawangan has a beautiful stalagmite, stalactites and waterfalls. Stalagmites were on the floor Goa Sawangan menyerupa fish shape up durian. Explore this cave must use adequate equipment, including helmets remember some parts of the cave that was prone to stumble head stalactites.

Interestingly in Goa Sawangan there is a cave entrance. The cave door is the entrance to Surupan Goa is famous for its underground river water is abundant. After exploring Goa Sawangan that have been fused with Goa Surupan by following the flow of water, will eventually encounter the tip of the cave. Goa is interrupted by a steep ravine. But from the end of this cave visible expanse of stunning breadth Samudera Indonesia. The tip of Goa is located near the southern Sawangan. The water flow of the river from Goa Sawangan or Surupan plunge down the ravine to form a waterfall known as Falls Sawangan.
Sawangan waterfall located in the Hamlet Nogosari Karangduwur village, subdistrict father. Counters entrance to the waterfall is located near the settlement. Terrain is taken to get the location of the parking lot a path that is narrow and up and down to follow the contour of karst hills over 500 meters so far. However, his condition is good and comfortable plus natural landscapes that are served throughout the trip will not disappoint. The breadth of the Indian Ocean will become friends during the trip.To reach the visitor will follow a route Kebumen-suwuk Turkish-Turkish father or also the transfer route to the beach Menganti. Then after the fork in the road encountered Menganti Beach, visitors should remain straight road to Turkish father. Not long after there SDN 1 Karangduwur, in front of the school visitors must choose a path to the right on the left side of the road (there are already TV CONNECT road). Just follow the road in accordance with the instructions provided along the route to meet a parking lot and a few stalls these attractions. Parkirkan kendaarn the building. Then proceed on foot to the waterfall.
Tired of playing water under gemerujug Sawangan Curug, you can also directly splashed in Nogosari Beach. Sawangan Curug can be reached from the village and the village Karangduwur Argopeni. From the junction counter Menganti Coast route mengabil towards Goa Karangduwur or a right turn drive up to Cape Noagasari. The journey continues on foot searching the trail so far less than 700 meters.

Currently Sawangan Curug is already managed by the village government Karangduwur so that the walkways and stairs down tering already comfortable and nice. Business Sawangan Curug fused bundle with Siwowo Goa, Goa Karangduwur / Goa Bird's Nest, Turkish Nogosari and Bukit Nogosari in the package "Sawangan Adventure". So it is advisable to take this route. There are no hotels in this region. Peningapan be the closest hotel in the city of Deal. While the inn is in the form of Villa Menganti Beach.

While on the highway father - Karangbolong in Argopeni Village, Sawangan Curug is less than 1 km by foot. The village of Argopeni journey is easier and more exciting though is far from having to go through the village of Goa Karangduwur.Perjalanan Karangduwur or difficult to Curug Sawangan certainly not membosakan. The natural scenery along the way is guaranteed to make your eyes pop. The breadth of the Indian Ocean can be combined with headlands and cliffs. Likewise peak verdant karst peaks. One more thing, there is a rice field are among the unique karst hills.

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