Located in the highest village in Java, Sembungan Village, Telaga tadpole is a lake that occurred from ancient crater, used to have an area of ​​about 18 ha, but gradually began to narrow, and the remaining approximately 12 Ha.Lokasi Ponds tadpole is the west side of Mount Sikunir with form resembles a tadpole / tadpoles may be of the form that was the end of the lake is named tadpole pond.

Tadpole pond water in the morning often glistened like oil when seen from the road to Mount Sikunir, it is also the best moment to be immortalized by the visitors. Besides its importance to tourism, tadpole telag also be tumpuhan hope for local farmers to irrigate their fields.

Several years ago the lake tadpole was rehabilitated by dredging using heavy equipment to expand the sides of the pond are already tersedimentasi and peat growing around it, this process also found the timber with a very large size in it that should be used as study materials and lessons for the present generation , but because of greed ultimately this wood is cut into pieces by pemborongnya for sale as firewood, wood type is quite rare for about Dieng, black, rigors outstanding, and weighed like iron, on the other hand the existence of the lake tadpole along with unique hidden , they rarely know if it turns out in Sembungan there are two (2) of the lake, the only lake that is located on a mountain top pakuwojo, right around the rock that is similar to the nail or surrounding people often call pakuwojo (steel nails).

According to locals, the story developed and trusted by villagers Sembungan, used in process development / manufacturing of a lake that is a race of a father sakti who has two boys, the competition was the scene of rivalry between siblings to complain kesaktian each -masing, brother of the famous and powerful mandraguna diligent work, choose the top most position of the village Sembungan ie around pakuwojo, while the slacker brother choose a place closer that is below the west hill Sikunir, the specified time has arrived the sisters already preparing myself.

In the early morning before the cock crows brother departed prior to the selected location and commence its work, while the brother who slacker still sleep until the hot sun emerged from the hills Sikunir, the brother looked very relaxed because it was to save a plot against the job his brother .He was convinced would surely win the race.

The sun is more inclined to the west, a sign of the time is getting late, work is nearing completion of his brother, even the water stored from the tree roots around Pakuwojo began to flow, until finally almost filled puddle / pond he created. while his brother does not seem to be fully completed its work, the existing location to the south untapped well even looks like a tadpole, he did not also pay attention to where the water will he get on the sidelines of the job his brother began their evil intentions, by way of rising to the top pakuwojo, and met her sister, she said that her sister was winning, and as a gift his father had prepared chicken meat dishes were very tasty and will bring future wife's beautiful, believe the news of his brother, his brother rushed home to his house.

Seeing such a great situation began his brother launch is planned in a way to break into his brother artificial lake so that water flows into the lake that he woke up, and it worked very successfully. Ponds built dry brother in a time not too long and a creek that she woke up now filled with water overflowing even to the banks of the lake.

That night his brother not to come home, but remain at the edge of the lake which he built, until the next day his father looking kepinggir menyatakanbahwa lake and the winner of the race is the brother who deserve a wedding present to his beautiful wife Candidates. Until now the lake which was built by his brother remains dry and a population of about naming as Wurung lake (pond that is not so).

It appeared in Sembungan there are two lakes, this is just a story from mouth to mouth that is trusted by the local community, whether or not it is difficult to trace, the obvious moral of this story is quite can be used as food for thought about a rivalry, family, building construction, how to achieve a destination etc.

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