Banyumas is a small district in the southern region of Central Java, located at the south foot of Mount Slamet, the highest mountain in Central Java. In everyday society ngapak using the Java language, a dialect of Javanese language, which is quite different from the standard dialect of Javanese.
Maybe you will be more familiar with than Banyumas Purwokerto, because in the past purwokerto Administrative indeed become the city of Banyumas and supported are many universities in Purwokerto.
When compared to other areas such as Cilacap or Purbalingga which now has many industries, Banyumas quieter where the tourism sector that are the hallmark of this area. Of the tourism sector, in addition to the natural tourism, Banyumas also offer handicrafts like batik Banyumasan.
Banyumas batik is batik kind that has a closeness with batik from other regions in Indonesia, only Batik Banyumas has a characteristic that both the front and back have almost the same quality. It is said to be a reflection of a society that has character cablaka Banyumas, delivering everything refers to the authenticity, Blaka means honest and candid about authenticity. What is said in front not unlike those in the back.
Banyumas batik was originally centered in the area Sokaraja, batik was brought by the followers of the Prince Diponegero that after the war ended in 1830, they were mostly settled in the area Banyumas. Followers of the famous at the time was where Najendra and it was he who developed batik in Sokaraja. Materials used mori homespun results and the dyes used are natural dyes such as tom tree, pace or noni tree, which produces a red color yellow false.

jaya Batik Banyumas have occurred around 1965's until the 1970's. Banyumas batik motifs of plants and animals are usually obtained from its natural state is a lot surrounded by woods and mountains. The pattern of non-geometric motifs or Jonasan and dominance of brown and black coloring and coloring techniques concentrated and demolished widely used in batik products Banyumasan.
Banyumas culture that no such inhibitions at once tolerant declined to cultural products, namely Batik Banyumas, where Batik Banyumasan known upholds the values of freedom, democracy and respect for the spirit of democracy. The philosophy that is then contained in batik motifs typical as Sekarsurya, Sidoluhung, Ginger Puger, Cempaka Mulya, Khantil, Chicken Puger, Honey Bronto, Ginger Srimpang, Lumbon (Lumbu), Serayu, Gunungan, Stone Waljinan, Kawung Beard, New world, Satria Clothing, Pring Sedapur, etc.

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