Gulo is kedung in the village Kalitapas, Bener District, Purworejo,
Central Java. for here must be diligent asked to citizens around because
there are no signs that standard, so you could say Kedung Gulo is a
hidden paradise in Purworejo. but keep in mind the time here to be the
rainy season, it was the dry season, we will only see the soil is dry
holes and it would be very silly, For Kedung to download Gulo from
Purworejo direction toward Magelang, until after there is an
intersection existing Kaliboto their post office entrance to the right
toward the village Kalitapas. after reaching the village of skill
Kalitapas only ask that is able to bring you to the location. so do not
ever be embarrassed to ask. there was no parking area or entrance fees,
you could say there is no management of the local residents, so be
friendly to the local people as a sign of gratitude because it was given
Sights Guide. and do not forget Never leave trash even though it was a
nut.The above kedung Gulo was also still a small kedung no less
beautiful, though a small but turned out to depths of his nearly 2.5
meters of water is still very clear.
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Selamat Sore. Mohon maaf menggangu. Saya Christy Doretha mahasiswi Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta sedang melakukan penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir/Skripsi yang berlokasi di Kedung Gulo, Purworejo. Saya melihat postingan Bpk/Ibu/Sdr/i yang pernah berkunjung ke Kedung Gulo, maka dari itu saya meminta waktu Bpk/Ibu/Sdr/i sebentar jika berkenan untuk mengisi kuesioner tentang Kedung Gulo. Bantuan Bpk/Ibu/Sdr/i sangat berarti untuk membantu saya menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir/Skripsi saya. Jika ada kerabat yang pernah kesana juga bisa minta tolong untuk mengisikan kuesionernya juga. Berikut saya kirimkan link untuk mengisi kuesionernya. Terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya. Selamat sore☺️