District of Bruno is actually rich in natural beauty, almost every village has a natural beauty that has not been processed into one of the attractions of nature. Little information about the daughter mountain waterfall waterfall is a tourist attraction located in the middle of a pine forest cover. With a rush of cool air and clear waterfalls is ideal for nature lovers who like to enjoy nature. In addition to be made in the nature of this place is also very suitable made in the camp. At the bottom of the waterfall locations are places that can be built tent to tent camp purposes. Even formerly had several times in the wake of a stage for performances of a single organ that held the youth and local residents for entertainment after Eid, sekalin introduce the natural attractions of the location is still hidden. Until now tourism potential is still hidden and yet the private sector and local government that maximize the tourism potential in order to enjoy a lot of people, both from Purworejo itself or from outside the area. Until the infrastructure in these attractions are not yet available. So for visitors who want to go to these attractions must prepare everything that should be taken. The road is so common means is also not in the wake feasible to get into the vehicle to the location. If at this time for those who bring a personal vehicle can Leave to homes of local residents. Its location is actually not too far from the attractions of a mountain waterfall daughter. And for supplies of food and drinks also must be prepared prior to the location. Because at that location no food or drink vendors.

With a height of 50 meters and consists of three levels of the waterfall will make you feel fresh will be swift water waterfall. However, you must be careful when visiting the waterfall, this waterfall is known to have deep enough water depth.

we recommend that you simply play on the edge of the waterfall to in order to avoid a hazard. although enough to play in the outskirts of the place is so fun to be made in water playground and of course a very interesting object.

Location Curug Silangit Purowrejo

Curug Silangit Sumongari located in the village, district Kaligesing, Purworejo.

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