travel muncar.Tempat muncar waterfall waterfall located in the village of Kaliwungu districts bruno or 45 km northwest from the city center purworejo.
Tourist attractions muncar waterfall is a waterfall at an altitude of 900 m above the surface laut.Tempat waterfall muncar travel is still very natural at all, so where this tour is very well suited for the searchers, who spirited petualang.Karena to reach the site in need of struggle is not easy but it would pay for itself by the beauty of these places after the searchers reached the site.
For the searchers who want to travel the place is advised to physically prepare in advance for the road to get to the waterfall is relatively menanjak.Tetapi so searchers reached the site, the searchers will feel how great is the Creator of the universe ini.Sepanjang travel, then the searcher will always be treated by the coolness of the water and cool air in sekitar.Para searchers can also bathe in the waterfall muncar is once again feel the cold water in the sights.
Indeed, these sights muncar waterfall is a bit far from the highway because searchers must be walked down the aisle and village settlements around the road is still rocky and steep for smooth Keith aspal.Setelah up at the entrance of the waterfall muncar the searcher must park their vehicles in place has been provided by residents sekitar.Kemudian continue the journey on foot to get to lokasi.Jalan to go very narrow because it could only be passed by one person must therefore be interchangeably besides the road was uphill and also licin.Oh ya should searcher know that to get into the waterfall muncar travel is free of charge or gratis.Jadi searchers just pay the parking fee in the compulsory saja.Penelusur also bring their own lunch for all the way to the location is not available stall stall makan.Bener Ko sights are still very natural is not it? Curious? searchers shall really visit the sights on this one because it is very cool and beautiful scenery.
Besides the natural beauty, the place is suitable for reflection and even excite any bad feeling. If we shouted, his voice will be masked by the roaring waterfalls hard enough. Other than that the place is pretty quiet, especially during a normal day is not a holiday. Understandably this place is not widely known to the general public.Purworejo, known as the city will be minimal sights and beautiful places feast for the eyes, but in fact can not be considered as such. many potential beautiful places located in this dead town, this is unfortunately not the only potential can be utilized by the government and the surrounding community. although with not exploited the potential is great for the preservation of Nature around but certainly no budget revenues from potential Tourism

As a connoisseur of Natural me personally more fun when there is no development of tourism potential as it will be quieter enjoy a beautiful place without a lot of noise, but I also can not bear to see the city purworejo behind from the aspect of tourism from neighboring towns who have started clever use of tourism potential his. Magelang example, a farmer could land in magic into tourist spots go inside Punthuk sitembu International, hill rhema, Purwosari, etc. Kulon Progo also dimikian with their new tourist spots suddenly hits.
Purworejo can begin to explore the tourism potential of the sector waterfall, because it can not be denied many waterfall-waterfall in the city purworejo huge potential, but it had no development for access roads and infrastructure. for example muncar waterfall in the village Kaliwungu, District Bruno. when the rain water discharge profusely even equally amazing with grojogan sewu, although in terms of altitude lost far that a height of 50 M, supported by the natural conditions around it were very jungle and huge boulders that littered the unique and natural which differentiates it from the waterfall any ever I visit.To get to the waterfall muncar if from City Purworejo a distance of about 30 km. from the town square take toward mranti, of mranti straight until the T-junction turn left when going to the districts Pecan, take it straight toward the district of Bruno to find the village Kaliwungu,From Highway Bruno just Curug muncar already looks magnificent and tempt us to approach, despite the fact to get to the waterfall muncar must rely moves a thousand questions, because there is no clear indication board, only a small wooden signpost that was made in KKN. after entering the village Kaliwungu we still have to find parking because there is no parking space provided. after finding parking space ride in the houses we still have to walk about 30 minutes with the muddy conditions worse when it rains.alan somewhat extreme to the waterfall when the rainy season because the road is still clay instead of rebates concrete walkways, so the risk is very large slip. at the sound of the waterfall sounds we still have to beat a fairly strenuous climb. but after the ramp was the beauty of the waterfall Muncar will pay our efforts. Curug location at altitude also allows us to see the city Bruno Purworejo even that far away. if we are too close to the water discharge that tumbling guaranteed we would get soaked clothes because the discharge water flow is very strong, and one never imagined to bathe under the waterfall muncar, because there was no spot for bathing.

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