Being in Purwodadi, District Tepus, Gunung Kidul Regency Yogyakarta. For here, we can travel for 2 hours (if not a traffic jam) with a distance of about 70km from the center of the city of Yogyakarta. From the center of Jogja, you can head east to Street Wonosari, and kept heading Directions Village Tepus and then take directions to the beach cloves, because the beach is still tetanggaan same Jogan beach cloves and Nglambor. After passing TPR (Polling Place Retribution) we continued. Right down the road there later in the guide direction toward the beach Jogan. If the problem still been pretty good way, with concrete which already can be passed motorcycles and cars.
To see the beauty of the waterfall and stone, so it's recommended you fall down wrote. To be able to scroll down, you're in the compulsory pass an instance of a limestone hill on the right of the waterfall.Having reached the bottom then you can enjoy the beauty of this waterfall. Waterfall where the water comes from karst hills are behind this beach. Its own waterfall also have here a uniqueness which the water directly into the sea that it is in because Jogan beach itself has no sea border. So here is different from other beaches on Mount Kidul which normally can be used for splashing or swimming.
These beach road leading to Jogan
1. Route from Solo to Jogan beach:
Praci - District of Rongkop / Baran - Nglindur -  before market Ngrancah (in the middle there Tugunya) turn right - Market Jepitu - the fork Winangun - turn left towards The  Jogan Beach - Post entry fees beach Jogan, Nglambor, cloves - follow the road then turn right - Jogan beach.
2. Route from Klaten to Jogan beach:
Semanu - Giripanggung - Sumberwungu, Klayu, Gude, Blekonang - Winangun Siung. It could also be of Giripanggung - Cuelo to the south - Winangun / nangun - Post entry fees Jogan beach, Nglambor, cloves - follow the road then turn right - Jogan beach.
3. The route from Yogyakarta to Jogan beach:
Yogyakarta - Piyungan - Wonosari - to the south (towards Baron) about 9 km - there is the fork in the village of Mulo (50m after the pool) - left Programs Mentel - Bintaos - Tepus -  Winangun / Nangun turn right straight - there is a T-junction turn right towards Jogan beach - Pos Jogan beach entry fees, Nglambor, cloves - follow the road then turn right - Jogan beach.

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