Wediombo coast known as the beach that has a rock where a lot of people who fish from the top of the rock. In addition, the beach Wediombo also have a "pool" that is often used as a natural swimming by visitors. Location of "Swimming Pool" is located on the coast and separated by rocks. In the Java language means sand while wedi Ombo broad meaning. Thus, the meaning of the name of the beach is literally Wediombo wide sand. However, the beach is actually not very wide-area. Still less extensive compared to other beaches in Yogyakarta, for example Parang Tritis

However this beach still has a charm that makes it one of the most sought-after beaches in Gunung Kidul. One of the main attraction of this beach is rocks used for fishing. Activities of fishing on the rocks on the beach Wediombo once only done by locals. However, now many fishing enthusiasts who often spend time at the beach, The beach location Wediombo is below the average land surface around. To reach the beach visitors must pass through dozens of stairs first. After that, the panoramic beauty of the beach Wediombo will be enjoyed freely

Visitors who come to the beach Wediombo usually spend time with swimming and playing sand - except, of course - fishing from the rocks above. Compared to other beaches in Gunung Kidul Wediombo beach atmosphere still tend to be quiet. For you who want to find a place to cool off ala beach, beach Wediombo could be a fitting choice

Although not as busy as other beaches in Gunung Kidul, for example Indrayanti, but the existing facilities Wedimbo beach is also quite complete. Praying, bathroom, stall. All are available in Wediombo.
The road leading to the beach Wediombo
1. The route from Yogyakarta to Wediombo Beach:
Yogyakarta - Wonosari to the south (towards Baron) is approximately 9 km there is the fork in the village of Mulo, if straight at Baron Beach. Take the Left Department Mentel - Bintaos - Tepus - Market Pertigaan Jepitu - right straight toward the beach Wediombo.
2. These Wediombo of Klaten Beach:
Semanu - Giripanggung - Cuelo -  Jepitu Market - turn right - straight toward the beach Wediombo.
3. These Wediombo of Sukoharjo Beach:
Praci - District of Rongkop directions - south direction Nglindur - Pertigaan before Ngrancah Market (in the middle there is the monument) turn right - there Pertigaan Jepitu Market - turn left - straight toward the beach Wediombo.

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