Roselle TEA (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.)

Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) Is a plant of the family kind of hibiscus. It is said that this plant originated Africa and the Middle East. These shrubs can reach 3-5 meters in height. If it is an adult, this plant will emit red flowers. Section flowers and seeds is beneficial for good health.roselle contain 260-280 mg of vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2. other content is 486 mg calcium, omega 3, magnesium, beta carotene and essential amino acids such as lysine and agrinine. Rosella also rich in fiber which is good for the health of the digestive tract. Plants that reproduce by seeds is beneficial for good health. Stamina will increase if you drink the rosella, rosella makes sense because contain vitamin C and essential minerals is quite high. Vitamin C rosella also believed to ward off cancer-causing free radicals. A high calcium to prevent bone loss. Whereas certain substances in Roselle able to rejuvenate body cells and protects the body from bacteria and viral infections.
If you want to make tea rosella, take about 3-4 rosella flowers fresh / dried, washed and halved. Pour 200 ml of hot water, stir with a slight tap-tap on the petals until the water is red, strain. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey. Serve warm.

Rosella flowers can also be used as raw materials jam, bright red color, producing jam healthy and beautiful color. You need 250 g rosella flowers, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, water 150 ml, 150 g sugar, juice of lemon / lime 3 tablespoons, 1/4 tsp vanilla paste and ¼ tsp fine salt. How to make; Rosella blender with water and cornstarch until smooth. Lift. Pour into a saucepan, add sugar and water. Cook until boiling, add lemon juice, vanilla paste and salt. Cook until the sauce has thickened texture. Lift. Store in an airtight jar.

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