Kepok Bananas are one type of banana which is preferred by the people of Indonesia. Fruits like this are generally recycled into a variety of foods and beverages that taste delicious and typical, so although it is also good to eat directly, but more often processed first. One result of processed fruit in the form of drinks is quite popular is, made into a drink called a banana setup kepok.
1 comb kepok bananas, peeled and cut into pieces according to taste
250 grams of sugar
5 grains of cloves
1 small sticks of cinnamon
1 liter of water
Salt to taste

How to make
1. Boil sugar, cloves, cinnamon, salt along with water, to boil and the sugar dissolves.
2. If you have input pieces of bananas, and wait approximately a quarter of an hour until the bananas are tender.
3. Lift then cool, and if desired can be served with ice cubes.

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