Sempor Reservoir is one of the attractions located in the village Sempor, Sempor districts, Kebumen, Central Java Province. The existence Sempor Reservoir in Kebumen provide cool air and beautiful mountains typical unusual for the area Kebumen. Moreover, the views of geographic factors Kebumen is a district that is located near the southern coast of the generally high temperature. The beauty and panorama Reservoir Sempor often compared to Jatiluhur in Purwakarta.Selain as a tourist attraction Sempor Reservoir is the source of irrigation water for farmers. Reservoir Sempor be part of technical irrigation system to irrigate thousands of paddy fields in the Deal.
At the time Indonesia precisely controlled by the Dutch in 1916, the Dutch government has identified that in some areas there Sempor ideal location for a waduk.Identifikasi is done to provide water to be used for irrigation areas disekitarnya.Pemerintah Indonesia through the experts-experts back melanjtukan research on ideal locations for dams on 1950.Dari Sempor in the study produced a design or design of a reservoir in Sempor.Pada 1958 physical development Sempor Multipurpose Dam Project initiated through Sempor. Selelasi Sempor Reservoir construction project in 1978.
Sempor Reservoir is a dam on River area Cincingguling also called Sempor River which flows from the northeast to the south at the foot of Mount Serayu south and empties into the Indian Ocean. Sempor Reservoir located 8 km to the north of the city Deal. Sempor reservoirs located at an altitude of approximately 30 meters above sea level. Although located in the area close to the beach, the air in Reservoir Sempor relatively cool because the new location is still alami.Perbukitan hills around Sempor Reservoir is filled with thousands of pine trees. The scenery in Sempor Reservoir is dominated by water in reservoirs and pine trees on the hill. This reservoir can also be used as a place to enjoy the sunrise (sunrise). The scenery rocks and gurgling sound of water can be enjoyed on the river at the dam Area. Sempor Reservoir has been equipped with facilities for cycling and Berlar-joggers to the wisatawan.Selain as a tourist spot Sempor Reservoir is also suitable for use as a seminar, meeting or other similar activities because of the atmosphere of a quiet place.


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