Museum Vredeburg YOGYAKARTA

Museum Vredeburg is a fortress located on the front of the Great and Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate. Now, the fort became a museum. In a number of buildings inside the fort there are dioramas on the history of Indonesia,The fort was built as a center of government and defense Dutch resident at the time, surrounded by a ditch (moat) which partially traces have been reconstructed and can be seen up to now. This square-shaped fortress turreted monitor (bastions) at the four corners.
Vredeburg Yogyakarta standing closely associated with the birth of Yogyakarta Sultanate. February 13, 1755 Giyanti agreement that berrhasil resolve the feud between His Majesty Pakubuwono III with Mangkubumi (lane I later) is the result of Dutch politics who always want to interfere in the internal affairs Javanese kings that time.

See a very rapid progress will be established by the court lane I, a general fear the Dutch began to appear. The Dutch propose to the sovereign to be allowed to build a fort near the palace. The development under the pretext that the Netherlands can maintain the security of the palace and its surroundings. But behind the pretext of Dutch real intent is to make it easier to control all the developments taking place in the palace. The layout of the castle is only one cannon firing range of the palace and its location overlooking the main road leading to the palace is an indication that the function of the fort can be used as a fortress strategy, intimidation, attacks and blockades. It can be said that the establishment of the fort was intended to keep watch at any time when Sultan turned away hostile Netherlands.

The amount of power that is hidden behind the political contract is born in any agreement with the Dutch seemed to be a force difficult to resist by every indigenous leaders in the Dutch colonial period. In this case also includes lane I. Therefore the Netherlands permit application to build the castle was granted.
Before the fortress was built in its current location (Museum Vredeburg Yogyakarta), in 1760 at the request of the Netherlands, Sultan HB I have built a fort very simple square. In the four corners created creche called Séléka or bastion. By the four corners of the sultan named Jayawisesa (northwest corner), Jayapurusa (northeast corner), Jayaprakosaningprang (southwest corner) and Jayaprayitna (southeast corner).

According to Nicolas Hartingh, that the fortress situation is still very simple. Wall of soil reinforced with pillars of wood coconut and palm trees. Buildings in it consists of bamboo and wood with thatched roofs. When W.H.Ossenberch replace the position of Nicolas Hartingh, in 1765 proposed to the Sultan that the fort strengthened into a more permanent building in order to ensure safety. The proposal is granted, then the construction of the fort is done under the supervision of a Dutch scientist named building Ir. Frans Haak.

At the beginning of this development (1760) status of the land is owned by the Sultanate. But its use is granted to the Dutch (VOC) under the supervision of Nicolas Hartingh, governor of the Director of the North Coast of Java in Semarang.
The proposal Governor W.H. Van Ossenberg (substitute Nicolaas Hartingh) to be further refined castle building, carried out in 1767. This period is a period of refinement fortress is more focused on one form stronghold.

According to the development plan will be completed later that year. However, in reality the construction is proceeding very slowly and was only completed in 1787. This happened because at that time the Sultan who is willing to hold materials and labor in the construction of the castle, has been preoccupied with the construction of the Kraton. After completion of the fortress has been perfected, named Rustenburg, which means 'Citadel Resorts'.

In this period the formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate but de facto control of the fort and the land is held by the Dutch.This period is when used fort perfected by the Dutch (VOC). The bankruptcy of the VOC in 1799 led to the mastery of the fort was taken over by Bataafsche Republic (Dutch Government). So that became the de facto government-owned Dutch kingdom.

In this period the status of formal judicial fortress of land still belongs to the Sultanate, the de facto controlled by Netherlands,Status formal judicial fortress of land still belongs to the Sultanate, but the use of fortified de facto belong Bataafsche Republic (Dutch Government) under Governor Van Den Burg. Fortress still serves as the headquarters of defense.
In this period the castle was taken over by its management Koninkrijk Holland (the Netherlands). The formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate, but de facto belongs to the Dutch government under Governor Herman Willem Daendels.When British rule in Indonesia 1811 - 1816, for the British-controlled fortress under Lieutenant Governor Thomas Stamford Raffles. But in a short time the Dutch could take over. Formal judicial fort still belongs to the Sultanate.
In 1867 in Yogyakarta occurred a great earthquake, so many knock down some big buildings such as Resident Building (built in 1824), Tugu Pal Putih, and Fort Rustenburg and other buildings. The buildings are soon to be rebuilt. Fort Rustenburg held immediately corrections in some parts of the building were damaged. After completion of the fortress originally named Rustenburg be renamed Vredeburg which means 'Citadel of Peace'. The name is taken as a manifestation of the relationship between the Sultanate of Yogyakarta with the Dutch were not to attack each other's time.

Forms remain as the beginning of the fort was built, which is a square. Built upon the four corners secure space called Séléka or bastion. The gate of the fort facing the west surrounded by a moat. Inside are the buildings house officers, soldiers dormitory, warehouse logistics, gunpowder warehouse, hospital and home resident soldiers. In Vredeburg occupied about 500 soldiers, including medical and paramedical staff. Besides, during the reign of the Dutch East Indies used as a refuge of the residents who were on duty in Yogyakarta. It is very possible because the resident offices are located opposite to the position of Vredeburg. In line with political developments in Indonesia berjadi from time to time, then there is also a change on the ownership status and function of the building Vredeburg.

Status of land fort still belongs to the Sultanate, but de facto held by the Dutch government. Because of the strong Dutch influence, the party kasultanan can not do much to overcome the problem of control over the fort. Until finally the Japanese Army troops occupied the castle in 1942 after the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese to be marked with Kalijati Agreement of March 1942 in West Java.
March 7, 1942, the Japanese government enacting Law No. 1 of 1942 that the position of regional leaders still recognized but is under the supervision of Kooti Zium Tjokan Kyoku (Japan Governor) with offices in Building Tjokan Kantai (Great House). The power centers in addition to the Japanese army stationed in Kotabaru also hosted in Vredeburg. Japanese soldiers based at Fort Vredeburg is Kempeitei the army's famous selection of hard and cruel.

Besides, the fort Vredeburg is also used as a place of detention for prisoners of the Dutch and Eurasian Dutch were arrested. Indonesia is also the politicians who were arrested for staging the movement against the Japanese.

In order to meet the need of weapons, the Japanese army to bring weapons of Semarang. Before distribution to the posts that require first kept in Vredeburg. Powder magazine located in every corner of the castle except in the northeast corner. It was on the basis that in the area of ​​security is guaranteed. Placement ammunition dump in every corner of the fort was intended to ease in the event of a sudden war.

Japanese control over Vredeburg lasted from 1942 until 1945, when the proclamation was to reverberate and nationalization of buildings occupied Japan began to be implemented. During that although de facto controlled by Japan but formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate.

From the description it can be said that during the Japanese occupation (1942-1945) Vredeburg fort building functioned as the headquarters of the army Kempeitei, an ammunition depot and house arrest for the Dutch and Eurasian Dutch and Indonesian politicians who oppose Japan.
The news of the proclamation of Indonesian independence was greeted with relief by the people of Yogyakarta. Coupled with the release Statement lane IX (Statement 5 September 1945) followed by Sri Paku Alam VIII which includes support for the establishment of a new country, the Republic of Indonesia, the spirit of the people more and more fiery.

As a result there is a variety of spontaneous acts such as the raising of the flag, the deprivation of the building as well as disarmament of Japan. The strength of the Japanese troops in Yogyakarta, led to armed clashes as happened in Kotabaru Yogyakarta. Under the action of deprivation of buildings or other facilities belonging to Japan, Vredeburg also be one of the targets of the action.

Once a fortress controlled by RI for further treatment handed over to military authorities who then used as a dormitory and headquarters troops belonging to the army with staff code "Q" under Commander Ensign I Radio, in charge of taking care of military supplies. Therefore, it is not impossible that in this period Vredeburg in addition serves as the headquarters as well as the warehouse supplies, including weapons, ammunition, and so forth. In 1946 in the complex Vredeburg military hospital was established to serve the victims of the fighting. But in its development of the hospital also serving soldiers and their families.

When in 1946 the political situation in Indonesia is experiencing insecurity when the differences in the perception of the meaning of the revolution was going on. Meletuslah event known as "Events July 3, 1946", which attempted coup led by Major General Sudarsono. Because of these efforts fail, then the leaders involved in such events as Mohammad Yamin, Tan Malaka and Sudarsono arrested. As the political prisoners they had been stationed at Fort Vredeburg.

At the time of the Dutch Military Aggression II (December 19, 1948) Vredeburg which time it was used as a military headquarters RI was subjected planes bombing the Netherlands. Office of the People's Security Army that was in it was destroyed. After mastering the airfield Maguwo, the Dutch soldiers who are members of the T Brigade led by Colonel Van Langen overran the city of Yogyakarta, including Vredeburg. Furthermore Vredeburg used as the headquarters of the Dutch soldiers who are members of the IVG (Informatie voor Geheimen), the secret service of the Dutch army. In addition Vredeburg also functioned as a dormitory Dutch soldiers and is also used to store heavy weapons such as tanks, armored vehicles and other military vehicles.

When a General Offensive March 1, 1949, in an effort to demonstrate to the world that Indonesia together with TNI still there, Vredeburg be one of the targets in between other buildings controlled by the Dutch as the post office, railway station, Hotel Toegoe, Building Great, and barracks Kotabaru. Approximately 6 hours of Yogyakarta city can be controlled by the TNI and its folk fighters. Only after reinforcements brought in from the Dutch army arrived to Yogyakarta Magelang, TNI and the people retreated to the city and conduct guerrilla struggle.

After the Dutch left the city of Yogyakarta, Vredeburg controlled by APRI (Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia). Then the castle management handed over to the Military Academy of Yogyakarta. At that time, Ki Hadjar Dewantara ever formulated the idea that Vredeburg used as a venue of culture. But the idea was stalled due to the events of "National Tragedy" Rebellion G 30 S 1965. It was temporarily Vredeburg used as a place of political prisoners associated with the event G30S is directly under the supervision of defense.

Vredeburg building preservation plan began more evident after 1976 held the fort building feasibility study conducted by the Institute for Rural and Regional Studies, Gadjah Mada University. Having conducted the research effort towards the restoration of the former building Vredeburg was about to begin.
In this period the status of the control and management of the fort never handed over to local government HANKAM Yogyakarta. Date of August 9, 1980 was held the signing of a treaty on the use of the former building Vredeburg by Sri Sultan HB IX (part I) and Mendibud Dr. Daoed Joesoef (part II).

In this period Vredeburg been used as a venue for art Jamboree (26 to 28 August 1978), Education and training Dodiklat police. Also been used as a garrison headquarters and the headquarters of the Army 072 Battalion 403. However formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate.

Considering that the former building Vredeburg is a historic building of great significance in 1981 former building Vredeburg set as objects of cultural heritage by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0224 / U / 1981 dated July 15, 1981.

On the utilization of the building Vredeburg, confirmed again by Prof. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto (Education RI) November 5, 1984 which says that the former building Vredeburg will function as a museum of the national struggle of the custody of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

Charter agreements and letter of the lane IX No. 359 / HB / 85 dated 16 April 1985 mentions that the spatial changes for the buildings inside the fort complex Vredeburg as permitted in accordance with the needs of a museum. To further the restoration of the building the former fort and later converted into a museum. In 1987 the museum has been able to be visited by the public.
Through Decree Minister of Education Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan number 0475 / O / 1992 dated 23 November 1992 formally Vredeburg be Special Museum National Struggle with the name of Yogyakarta Fortress Museum.

To improve the functioning of this museum then began September 5, 1997 to administer an abundance of Struggle Museum Brontokusuman Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta, from the State Museum of DIY Province Sonobudoyo. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism No. KM 48 / OT.001 / MKP / 2003 dated December 5, 2003 Museum Vredeburg Yogyakarta is a Technical Implementation Unit based in the Ministry of Culture and Deputy of History and Archaeology.

Furthermore accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism Number: KM 48 / OT.001 / MKP / 2003 dated December 5, 2003 Museum Vredeburg Yogyakarta have Position, Basic Tasks and functions as a museum that is specifically a Technical Implementation Unit based in the Ministry and Deputy culture and Archaeology in charge of implementing the collection, maintenance, preservation, research, presentation, publication of research results and provide guidance regarding the educative cultural objects and the history of the struggle of Indonesia in Yogyakarta.

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