Pujotirto village is one of the villages that enter into the District Karangsambung. The village has panoramic scenery is so beautiful. Located at an altitude of about 433 meters above sea level, making this tourist village became one of the highest village in Kebumen. Kebumen and surrounding society often refer to this region Highlands region Pujotirto. This high land has hidden beauty of the southern slope.a natural potential menajubkan but its existence hidden from the public. The tourist spot called Curug Wringin. This waterfall is located in the hamlet Era Gemiwang, Pujotirto Village, District Karangsambung, Kebumen. Curug Wringin is a waterfall that is part of the river Curugurang. Stream originating from the Hills Limar - Indrakila. That partly united with Tekung River. That is one of the ramification river Kedungbener, This waterfall has a height of about 20 meters. According to the people around Curug Wringin, water in this waterfall never diminished nor dry. Although at the time it was happening drought. Water is owned by the waterfall is very clear and refreshing. Because it comes from the springs coming from the hills.
The location of the waterfall located amid forests, will create an atmosphere that is in a popular waterfall in Kebumen is still very natural. Plus not many tourists visiting the waterfall Wringin. So we plan to publish the full potential of nature tourism to the people of Indonesia. Kebumen that still has other tourist attractions that will make anyone feel amazed.
Curug Wringin is a waterfall that has an underlying or local residents often refer to it as Kedung. Unmitigated, into this kedung reach 7 meters with calm water. Turquoise. So anyone visiting will be hypnotized to enjoy the water and swim as well as a shower. Or for those of you who are studios, refraction rock-climbing and jumping into a pool of water.
Wringin waterfall is located approximately 17 km from the city Kebumen. But unfortunately there is no public transport operating in the region. Yet for the access road is quite good with paved road up to the parking of vehicles. From the parking lot we have to be willing to walk the 700 meters to cross the fields and forests. But take it easy terrain taken quite friendly. There are no facilities in this waterfall. So we encourage you to visit these attractions need to be known by the local community. Because if you happened they can help you.

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